

Streamlining the Intake Process


RiskAdvisor * Streamlining the Intake Process *

RiskAdvisor is the leading solution for insurance agents that tire of dated and redundant intake processes. Their platform helps agents ask the right questions and easily send it where it needs to go.

RiskAdvisor needed an explainer video to quickly summarize their platform and the value it adds to their clients.

The problem agents face is the outdated, redundant, and time consuming intake processes. We represented this with an overwhelming slew of paperwork, upload options, slow load times, etc. that fill the frame in a way that makes the viewer feel the chaos.

The chaotic intake systems are absorbed into the simplicity of RiskAdvisor. From here we needed to highlight the platform, which guides agents to ask the right questions that lead to better coverage. We represented the UI with a lo-fi and simple approach.

“The Quiggs were so great to work with and I’m really excited about how this turned out. I think this video will help eliminate confusion around our platform.”

— David Watson, RiskAdvisor Owner

We show the agent effectively helping his client protect what matters most.

Thanks so much, RiskAdvisor!


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